Partnership and Affiliations

In this section you will find all the informations on how to affiliate you or your school to ITKA

What does being a member of ITKA mean?

ITKA is a Traditional Taijiquan School: it is not a federation, nor an organisation or a group of associations with similar objectives. Its founder and Technical Director, Master Gianfranco Pace, has always had the idea of creating a school with an effective method. Martial effectiveness, as well as an effectiveness in the energetic work, effectiveness in the teaching method.

Therefore, joining ITKA means first of all joining a system. A system that can sincerely and really be a means of individual and social growth.

Without any compromise, but opening to any form of confrontation, today ITKA acts as a school which is increasingly spreading throughout Italy and abroad.

Being a member of ITKA means being part of a great school, studying, engaging and growing up for yourself and/or for your own study group.

There are no duties, no rules you must stick to. Only sincerity, passion and enthusiasm are required.

The school offers many different activities, but everyone of them is optional.

Moreover, ITKA promotes in various ways all the teachers, groups and schools that join it: it shines a light on them, so that others may join each group or school in order to study and practice.

Who can be a member of ITKA?

Single practitioners, teachers, study groups and in general who wants to sincerely know our technical programs.


There are different ways to join ITKA, and they are totally free:

  • Coming to study to the Light Blue School, the ITKA Headquarters
  • Attending training courses on the different areas of interest, in Italy and abroad
  • Organising seminars and meetings on weekends in your own city. This solution is becoming more and more successful, especially thanks to the spreading activity made by the ITKA Technical Commission formed by the Masters Davide Migliorisi, Giovambattista Scavo, Margherita Padalino, Michele Grassi and Luciano Vida.

Actually the ITKA Technical Commission has engaged various study events in Italy and abroad, aimed at training both practitioners and teachers following the technical ITKA programs (Qi Gong/Nei Gong, Classical Taijiquan, Chenjiagou Kung Fu, Self Defense, Fighting Sports) through a simple, direct and cheap method. Moreover, for any private needs, you can make different training arrangements. In order to know where these meetings have already taken place and how to arrange ITKA events at your school or facility, you can contact us by phone or email:

Tel. / WhatsApp (0039) 347 4433601

Come and join a great school!

For any doubt or information, don’t hesitate to contact us by phone or email. Every contact is down below on our site.